
战争与和平4:皮埃尔·别祖霍夫剧情介绍:战争与和平4:皮埃尔·别祖霍夫是由谢尔盖·邦达尔丘克执导,Sergey Bondarchuk,Vyacheslav Tikhonov,Lyudmila Saveleva等人主演的,于1967年上映,该剧情片讲述的是

The 500,000 strong Napoleon's army moves through Russia and causes much destruction culminating in the battle of Borodino. The Russian army has to retreat. Moscow is occupied, looted and burned down, but soon Napoleon loses control and has to flee. Both sides suffer tremendous losses in the war, and Russian society is left irrevocably changed.   As Moscow is set ablaze by the ret...

(《战争与和平4:皮埃尔·别祖霍夫》剧情片于2024-06-14 18:01由韩剧吧收集自网络发布,同时提供在线观看下载服务。)