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当代艺术剧情介绍:当代艺术是由BertyCadilhac执导,DavidWayman,SharlitDeyzac,DeeTails,阿德里安·布薛特,LouisBernard等人主演的,于2015年上映,该喜剧片讲述的是Alex is a shy accountant living in London. He is reluctant to step out of his comfort zone, but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist named Penelope, he pretends to be a talented artist himself; and now he needs to win a Modern Art contest to prove it.(《当代艺术》喜剧片于2022-08-03 14:23由韩剧吧收集自网络发布,同时提供在线观看下载服务。)