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女英烈传剧情介绍:女英烈传是由刘易斯·吉尔伯特执导,Virginia McKenna等人主演的,于1958年上映,该战争片讲述的是  Violette Bushell is the daughter of an English father and a French mother, living in London in the early years of World War 2. She meets a handsome young French soldier in the park and takes him back for the family Bastille day celebrations. They fall in love, marry and have a baby girl when Violette Szabo receives the dreaded telegram informing her of his death in North Africa...(《女英烈传》战争片于2022-08-03 16:53由韩剧吧收集自网络发布,同时提供在线观看下载服务。)