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天使之灾剧情介绍:天使之灾是由AdamSilver执导,克里斯蒂尼·亚当斯,小尼尔·布朗,卡莉·查肯,泰勒·科尔,里夫·霍顿等人主演的,于2015年上映,该恐怖片讲述的是Lauren's life is on a positive trajectory, until she is falsely accused of murder. Discovering that an obsessive serial killer with her exact DNA match has been knowingly implicating her in all his crimes, she is forced to fight to prove her innocence and save her life.(《天使之灾》恐怖片于2021-05-24 10:38由韩剧吧收集自网络发布,同时提供在线观看下载服务。)